I decided a few months ago to end the Agile Chuck Wagon podcast.

As part of that, today, I removed the Agile Chuck Wagon posts from the website. I removed the posts because the descriptions, by themselves, didn’t offer much content. Also, the links to play the episodes are now broken.

When I started the Agile Chuck Wagon in 2015, I was heavily involved in the agile community in Denver. I was a member of the Agile Denver board of directors, for example. Over the last five years, as I transitioned from software engineer to manager, I found I used my agile skills less directly. While I still love agile, I have less hands-on experience to talk about.

I enjoyed the podcast, but the branding became problematic. Many of the episodes published in the last two years were not about agile at all, but about management and leadership. Listenership waned with the Covid-19 pandemic, it increasingly felt a chore to shoehorn content into the brand, and it seemed fitting to retire the Agile Chuck Wagon podcast and name.

This is an in-between time in my life. I’m typing this blog post in temporary lodging. We sold our house earlier this year, and our new home is not quite built yet.

I do miss publishing content. I had fun recording podcast episodes, and participating in the discussions they spawned. I still want some outlet like the podcast in my life. However, I do yet not know what form that endeavor will take.