I’m just getting my feet wet in data analysis. My Boulder team has started working with a distributed data store called Druid. I encountered an issue when importing data from a CSV file, and I wanted to share a way I found to do it.
Early on, I learned that a distributed data store like Druid is akin to a database, but one where information is stored on multiple nodes. Often, these are non-relational stores, which allow for lightning quick data access.
I decided I wanted to get some hands-on experience with Druid, so I installed it on my laptop. Normally, one would use Druid to ingest events from a stream like Twitter or a “clickstream” (a record of web site activity). However, I didn’t have a ready stream of data handy. Plus, for the purpose of seeing what Druid is capable of, a batch import of data from a static data table seemed like the easiest way to get started.
The Druid quick start documentation uses a JSON file to demonstrate batch ingestion. I played with their quick-start data for a bit, but there are only a few dozen records and I wanted something more substantial. Also, I wanted to use a dataset that was more personally relatable than Wikipedia edits from a year ago. In particular, I found a set of weather data on Kaggle that caught my eye. The folks at FiveThirtyEight had scraped some data from Weather Underground for some weather stations across the country. It’s a part of this dataset.
My first ingestion was Seattle’s KSEA station data for 2014-2015, since I vacationed in Seattle last summer. This dataset contains daily highs, lows, and precipitation observations.
In order to ingest data into Druid, you post a message to a node called the “overlord”, which handles Druid task distribution. This triggers Druid to index data in order to create Druid segments, time-partitioned sets of data. Once data has been ingested into segments, you can leverage Druid to slice and dice the data.
It took me a lot of trial and error to hit upon the correct JSON syntax
It took me a lot of trial and error to hit upon the correct JSON syntax, and the main purpose of this post is to share my findings. Without further ado, here’s the JSON specification for the indexing job:
"type": "index_hadoop",
"spec": {
"ioConfig": {
"type": "hadoop",
"inputSpec": {
"type": "static",
"paths": "ksea.csv"
"dataSchema": {
"dataSource": "seattle-weather",
"granularitySpec": {
"type": "uniform",
"segmentGranularity": "day",
"queryGranularity": "none",
"intervals": [
"parser": {
"type": "hadoopyString",
"parseSpec": {
"format": "csv",
"timestampSpec": {
"format": "yyyy-mm-dd",
"column": "date"
"columns": [
"dimensionsSpec": {
"dimensions": [
"metricsSpec": [
"name": "count",
"type": "count"
"tuningConfig": {
"type": "hadoop",
"partitionsSpec": {
"type": "hashed",
"targetPartitionSize": 5000000
"jobProperties": {}
I also made a couple of small changes to the CSV file itself, which I will mention as I go along.
A lot of the CSV examples I found online use the ‘firehose’ method, but I was unable to get it to work. Instead, I ended up modifying the JSON specification in the quick-start guide, which uses a Hadoop job. Any section not mentioned below was left untouched from the quick-start guide.
The ioConfig
node now says that we’re using a flat file called ‘KSEA.csv’ as
our data source. I modified the dataSource
node to give my dataset a
meaningful name (“seattle-weather”) and to specify the range of data I wanted
I heavily modified the parser
node. In the parseSpec
node, I changed the
type from “json” to “csv”. The ingestion
documentation lists the high-level
nodes that are needed, but I found the documentation sparse in detail beyond
This is the section that took the most time to get right. I found the errors Druid gave were not intuitive at first. Fortunately, I have a lot of experience reading stack traces and eventually was able to figure out what was going on without resorting to reading the source code! It turned out the JNDI and JMX errors were red herrings, and don’t affect the parsing process. There were several varieties of objects being null, which I later learned were the result of omissions in my JSON file.
I changed the timestamp
node to use the date
column in the CSV file. I also
updated the CSV file to put the date in a format I found easier to read. This
step wasn’t strictly necessary, but I knew the ‘yyyy-mm-dd’ date specification
format off the top of my head.
A word about Druid segments. A segment can be envisioned as a table with columns composed of a timestamp, a set of dimensions, and a set of metrics. Dimensions are raw data values, whereas metrics are calculated values.
Knowing about segments makes the parser
node easy to understand. The columns
array lists the columns in the CSV source file, in order. The timestampSpec
, and metricsSpec
tells Druid how to ingest the source values
into a segment. For the purpose of getting this working, I chose a simple
metric, “count”.
After getting all these sections straight, I hit a more intuitive error. It turns out that with this configuration, Druid could not make sense of the header row in the CSV file. Rather than try to find out how to tell Druid to ignore the header, I simply removed it from the CSV file.
And thus, after a dozen tries, I got the data into Druid! Now that I have ingestion working, the next step is to choose some more interesting metrics to measure. For example, I could import multiple stations data and use a metric to capture the city.