Charles Durfee, MBA


Today I earn my Master’s in Business Administration! I could not have succeeded in this program with the support of my wife Candy and my family. And I thank God for the opportunities this degree program gave me and for blessing me with the strength to see it through.

To celebrate, I wanted to share with you a vignette I found on my hard drive while doing some maintenance. I wrote this in June 2013, when I had just decided to get an MBA. I didn’t post it then, but it seemed apropos.


Conversion to Markdown complete


My earliest post is over 8 years old now (April 2016), so it’s taken several sessions here and there to do it, but I’ve converted all my content from HTML to Markdown. I spot-checked my work, but if you see an error, please let me know.

Tale of Two Keynotes


I recently wrote about Cognitive Communication Coaching for Engineers, a talk a colleague gave on presentation techniques. Today, I’m going to apply those concepts to the two keynotes at Mile High Agile 2016 by Jurgen Appelo and Michael Feathers.


Performance is More Than Speed


Recently a company called Boom announced that they were creating a supersonic aircraft to replace the Concorde, which hasn’t been in regular use since 2003. This called to mind a presentation slide deck I read last year talking about performance that referenced the Concorde.

The thrust of the presentation is that when we speak about performance, there are really two metrics we are conflating.


Cognitive Communication Coaching for Engineers


Today, I want to talk about presentation techniques I learned last week during an excellent lunch talk given by a colleague, Tom Margolis. The talk was titled, “Cognitive Communication Coaching for Engineers”. Tom was a high school teacher before he became a software engineer, so he’s in a prime position to speak on this subject.