I work for a medium-sized company on a public-facing web application. My former company was firmly entrenched in older development methods, though they tried to apply some agile ideas. It was my first crack at Scrum.

At the new company, they were very receptive to the idea of Scrum – they’d tried and failed just prior to my hiring, so I was able to get the entire team using Scrum. The product is saddled with an extensive legacy code base (100,000 lines), written back in the .NET 1.0 days. Needless to say, there are many places within the code that will benefit from .NET 3.5 constructs! Also, many of the developers here don’t have a background in computer sciences, so I’ve been conducting lunch and learn sessions educating about design patterns and domain-driven design.

In this blog, I’ll be talking about my experiences as I go along. Hopefully, it will be of interest. If you have any topic suggestions, please leave me a comment!