Here’s another solution to the Secret Santa code kata, this time in my “native” programming language of C#. This is the second solution I’ve written this week to this problem. Code katas are about experimenting with different approaches to simple but not trivial problems.

My first solution, written in PowerShell, relied on selecting random pairs of people and using a “hill-climbing” algorithm to avoid getting stuck. This time, I gave myself the constraint that the solution had to be deterministic — no randomness. I had been toying with the idea of using an Abelian ring. A couple of common examples are the hours on a clock or the modulus (remainder) operator in math. But I couldn’t decide how I’d handle iterating through the members of that ring without duplicates. I determined that I’d need to re-sort the list.

I wrote this solution using test-driven development (TDD), meaning I wrote my tests before implementation — I won’t show all of those tests today. As it turned out, I didn’t need to code a Ring class. I find when I do TDD, I often don’t end up writing half the code I thought I’d need!

Unlike my PowerShell solution which just used strings, I knew I wanted to create a data object to store the incoming rows of data in, which I named the Participant class:

using System;

namespace SantaKataApp {  
  public class Participant {  
    private Participant(string firstName, string lastName, string email)  
      FirstName = firstName;  
      LastName = lastName;  
      Email = email;  

    public string FirstName { get; private set; }  
    public string LastName { get; private set; }  
    public string Email { get; private set; }

    public static Participant Create(string descriptor, int id)  
      var parts = descriptor.Split();  
      var email = parts[2].Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "");  
      return new Participant(parts[0], parts[1], email);  

    public override string ToString()  
      return string.Format("{0} {1} <{2}>", FirstName, LastName, Email);  

For a while, I thought I might need to implement IEquatable<Participant>, Equals(), and GetHashCode() in order to compare Participants, but again, TDD proved me wrong.

The plan for this approach was to:
1. Parse the incoming list
2. Resort the list
3. Display the results

The act of resorting took the majority of the development time. I created a ListResorter class to do the work.

I started by writing tests….

using System;  
using System.Collections;  
using System.Collections.Generic;  
using System.Linq;  
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;  
using SantaKataApp;

namespace SantaKataTests  
  public class ListResorterTests  
    public void SwapItemsInList_Succeeds()  
      var list = new List<int>(new[] { 3, 2, 1 });  
      var listResorter = new ListResorter<int>(list, null);  
      listResorter.Swap(0, 1);  
      CollectionAssert.AreEqual(list.ToArray(), new[] { 2, 3, 1 });  

    [TestMethod, ExpectedException(typeof(InvalidOperationException))]  
    public void SwapWithInvalidIndex_Throws()  
      var list = new List<int>(new[] { 3, 2, 1 });  
      var listResorter = new ListResorter<int>(list, null);  
      listResorter.Swap(74, 1);  

    public void CanAdjoin_WithTwoItems_DeterminesIfTheyCanAdjoin()  
      var list = new List<int>(new[] { 3, 1, 2 });  
      var listResorter = new ListResorter<int>(list, (x,y) =>x % 2 != y % 2);  
      Assert.IsTrue(listResorter.CanAdjoin(1, 2)); // list[1] = 1, list[2] = 2  
      Assert.IsFalse(listResorter.CanAdjoin(0, 1));  

  // ... and so on ...  

These are the first two tests I wrote. I decided the simplest operation I needed to resort a list was the ability to swap two items in that list. Once I had that working, I picked the next piece, the ability to decide if two things can adjoin (“to be close to or in contact with”), and I proceeded from there.

Notice that the LineResorter<T> constructor takes a list to operate against, and a function that compares two instances of type T and determines if they can be adjoining in the list. In the case of my unit tests, I used (x,y) => x % 2 != y % 2, which is a fancy way of saying that two odds or two evens can’t be next to each other in the list. I wanted to use a different type (int) than I’d be using in my real use case to make sure I didn’t make any assumptions about the nature of type T. This comparison was the first one for two numbers that came to mind.

Each time I needed functionality out of the ListResorter, I wrote a test. I watched it fail, then I made all the tests pass. If I saw opportunities to refactor, I took them whenever all my tests were green (passing). By the time I was done, I had about a dozen tests and this class:

using System;  
using System.Collections.Generic;  
using System.Linq;

namespace SantaKataApp  
  public class ListResorter<T>  
    private readonly List<T> _list;  
    private readonly Func<T, T, bool> _canAdjoin;

    public ListResorter(List<T> list, Func<T, T, bool> canAdjoin)  
      _list = list;  
      _canAdjoin = canAdjoin;  

    internal void Swap(int index1, int index2)  
      ThrowIfIndexesAreInvalid(index1, index2);  
      T temp = _list[index2];  
      _list[index2] = _list[index1];  
      _list[index1] = temp;  

    private void ThrowIfIndexesAreInvalid(int index1, int index2)  
      if (_list.Count < index1 - 1 || _list.Count < index2 - 1)  
      throw new InvalidOperationException("An index is beyond the length of the array");  

    internal bool CanAdjoin(int index1, int index2)  
      ThrowIfIndexesAreInvalid(index1, index2);  
      return _canAdjoin(_list[index1], _list[index2]);  

    public int GetNextIndex(int i)  
      if (i >= _list.Count)  
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid index");  
      if (i == _list.Count - 1)  
        return 0;  
      return i + 1;  

    internal bool CanAllAdjoin()  
      return !_list.Where((t, i) =>!CanAdjoin(i, GetNextIndex(i))).Any();  

    public List<T>Resort()  
      var list = _list;

      while (! CanAllAdjoin())  
        for (int i=0; i < list.Count; i++)  
          int j = GetNextIndex(i);  
          int k = GetNextIndex(j);  
          if (! CanAdjoin(i, j) &amp;&amp; CanAdjoin(i, k))  
          Swap(j, k);  
      return list;  

This class has two public methods, GetNextIndex() and Resort(). That Abelian ring idea still lives in the GetNextIndex() method, which says that the next member after the last in the list is the first, making the list circular. Resort() does what you would expect.

The other methods in the class are marked internal, so that my TDD tests can access them via the [Assembly:InternalsVisibleTo()] attribute in the Assembly.cs code file. After design is done, I would consider rewriting the test methods that talk to internal methods so that they are exercised through the public method. I don’t want my unit tests to be break should someone decide to change the internal implementation of these methods. You can see a bit of this thinking in the ThrowIfIndexesAreInvalid() method. I pulled this method out to avoid duplication of code during refactoring, where I already had unit tests in place and thus I didn’t need to write new ones.

Once I had ListResorter working, writing a console wrapper was easy:

using System;  
using System.Collections.Generic;  
using System.IO;  
using System.Linq;

namespace SantaKataApp  
  class Program  
    static void Main(string[] args)  
      string[] fileContents = File.ReadAllLines(args[0]);  
      Func<Participant, Participant, bool>surnamesDontMatch = (x, y) =>x.LastName != y.LastName;  
      List<Participant>names = fileContents.Select(Participant.Create).ToList();

      var listResorter = new ListResorter<Participant>(names, surnamesDontMatch);  
      List<Participant>sorted = listResorter.Resort();

      DisplayParticipants(listResorter, sorted);  

    internal static void DisplayParticipants(ListResorter<Participant>listResorter, IList<Participant>sorted)  
      for(int i=0; i < sorted.Count; i++)  
      Console.WriteLine(Display(sorted[i], sorted[listResorter.GetNextIndex(i)]));  

    internal static string Display(Participant name, Participant giveToName)  
      var giveTo = giveToName != null ? giveToName.ToString() : "NONE";  
      return string.Format("{0} gives a gift to {1}", name, giveTo);  

Most of the work done in the console app is formatting the output for display. The heavy lifting is done by the ListResorter class.

This program outputs data like:

PS C:temp> .SantaKataApp.exe .names_santa.txt
Luke Skywalker <> gives a gift to Toula Portokalos <>
Toula Portokalos <> gives a gift to Leia Skywalker <>
Leia Skywalker <> gives a gift to Gus Portokalos <>

I met my goal: the output is the same every time given the same input file.

I time-boxed the effort at two hours and I came close to reaching my limit. I initially began by writing an iterator, but abandoned it when I realized that I only wanted to traverse the collection once.

There is more that could be done to this program, of course. For example, I’m not happy about DisplayParticipants using GetNextIndex(). The only reason that DisplayParticipants() needs a ListResorter is to use its ring-like GetNextIndex() method. This functionality should have been extracted into its own class.

Comments? Questions?